October 5, 2016

Stress Redistribution of Adjacent Solution Collection Pipes

ABSTRACT: Corrugated dual-walled polyethylene pipes are commonly used in the solution collection system of heap leaching facilities. Under load, these pipes tend to deflect, thereby developing passive soil support at the sides of the pipe. At the same time, the vertical…

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January 30, 2016

Comparison of Selected Differential-Producing, Ultrasonic, and Magnetic Flow Meters

Selecting the best flow meter for a specific application can be challenging because of the many types and designs of flower meters, with each having its own merits and drawbacks. Illustrating these specific benefits and drawbacks can help the buyer…

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September 23, 2015

Advance copy of “Tailings Stewardship – ‘Genuine’ Corporate Responsibility”, published for Tailings and Mine Waste 2015 Conference

Tailings Stewardship – “Genuine” Corporate Responsibility ABSTRACT: Tailings Stewardship has come to the forefront of the mining industry’s attention following the Mt. Polley tailings dam breach in British Columbia, Canada. Recognizing the negative impacts a tailings dam failure has on…

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July 12, 2015

Tailings Stewardship - Genuine Corporate Responsibility

ABSTRACT: Tailings stewardship has come to the forefront of the mining industry’s attention following the Mt. Polley tailings dam breach in British Columbia, Canada. Recognizing the negative impacts a tailings dam failure has on market capitalization, combined with regulatory changes…

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February 25, 2014

Uncertainty in PMP and Recurrence Interval-Based Design Storm Estimates from Sparse Data

ABSTRACT: Dam safety and pollution control considerations require large, infrequent precipitation events (50-year up to Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP)) to be determined for use in the design of tailings storage facilities (TSF), waste rock storage facilities (WRSF), heap leach facilities, and other process-related infrastructure.…

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August 13, 2013

Lining Steep Rock Slopes with a Geomembrane Liner to Facilitate Tailings Facility Expansion

ABSTRACT: Geomembrane liners are increasingly used to provide containment in tailings storage facilities. Typically, geomembrane liners are installed in successive stages with an expanding impoundment footprint and subsequent dam raises, and may require significant impoundment grading to provide suitable slope…

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January 16, 2013

“Consideration of Snow Melt and Physical Aspect in Simulating Cover Performance”

ABSTRACT: It has become common practice to consider soil covers when developing closure strategies for the prevention  of acid rock drainage, with the optimized design of closure covers often developed through predictive modeling.  However, using monitored field conditions of a…

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January 15, 2013

Virtual reality animation of the proposed El Dorado Mine in El Salvador assists regulators in reviewing an EIA

ABSTRACT: An interactive, three-dimensional video animation was developed that provides a fly-over and walk-around view of Pacific Rim Mining Corporations proposed El Dorado Mine in El Salvador. The mine life-cycle video animation was presented to El Salvador’s Environmental Ministry in an…

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December 27, 2012

“Cerro Santa Rosa tailings dam: Storage capacity increased using a unique mechanically stabilized earth design.”

ABSTRACT: Triton Minera S.A. (TMSA) owns and operates Mina El Limon located in northwestern Nicaragua, approximately 100 km northwest (140 km by road) of Managua, Nicaragua’s capital city, and approximately 45 km northeast of Leon. El Limon is an underground gold mine…

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