Statement of Qualifications

Mankind lives on the earth. While the ground upon which we live seems to be, for the most part, firm, stable and static, in actuality it is dynamic and in a continual state of flux as the lithosphere (the earth's outermost crust) adjusts to the Earth's inner, molten core. In addition, wind, rain, rivers and streams, and human activity continually modify the earth’s surface. Geologic Hazards are naturally occurring (or man-made) geologic conditions capable of causing damage or loss of property and/or life. Geologic Hazards Mitigation is the application of geologic engineering principles to minimize or prevent the effects of naturally occurring geologic hazards.

Geologic hazards phenomena can occur suddenly, or slowly. Sudden phenomena include:

  • Earthquakes - Liquefaction (soils), Tsunamis
  • Volcanic Eruptions - Lava Flows, Ash Fall, Lahars
  • Landslides - Rock Falls or Slides, Debris Flows, Mud Flows
  • Floods - Inundation, Erosion
  • Snow Avalanches
  • Sand Blasting (Windblown)
  • Ground Settlement
  • Ground Subsidence or Collapse
  • Sinkholes
  • Erosion (stream or shoreline)

Gradual or slow developing geologic phenomena include:
Geologic hazards can play a significant role when  infrastructure is constructed in their presence. The unpredictable nature of natural geologic hazards makes identifying, evaluating, and mitigating against them a unique challenge. The best geologic mitigation strategy is always avoidance. When avoiding a hazard is not possible however, mitigation strategies must be developed to coexist (mitigate) with the hazard. Tierra Group has applied its 100+ years combined professional geological and engineering expertise interpreting landforms and earth processes, evaluating earth-structure interaction and providing geologic hazards mitigation consulting or design services for:

  • Avalanche Mitigation - Hazard Area Identification, Hydrodynamic Modeling (Run-out Analyses), Retention and Deflection Structures, Planning, Permitting
  • Landslides (Debris and Mudflows, Rock Fall) - Identification, Monitoring, Modeling, Forensics, Mitigation
  • Slope Stabilization - Retaining Walls, Mechanically Stabilized Earth, Soil and Rock Anchors (bolts), Gabions, Earth Buttresses
  • Ground Improvement - Grouting Programs, Dynamic Compaction, Slurry Walls, Subterranean Dewatering, Seismic Design (Liquefaction)
  • Flooding - Probability, Inundation Studies, Predictive Modeling, Erosion Prevention

Regardless of the geological hazards encountered Tierra Group’s broad experience, intimate attention to site-specific conditions, and keen focus on developing innovative solutions has earned us a respected reputation and a loyal client following, around the world.

Select Geologic Hazards Projects

La Libertad Mine

Tierra Group engineers designed La Esperanza TSF, a 2.1-km long, 35-m high, earthfill tailings dam with an HDPE lined impoundment footprint of 840,000 m2. Tierra Group  designed and provided Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) for all subsequent downstream dam stages. Stage…


Midas Gold Project

Midas Gold’s project is located in the remote central Idaho Rockies near the town of Yellow Pine.  It is a brownfields gold-antimony project featuring three open pits and an anticipated 22,000 tpd plant throughput, along with challenging terrain and environmental…


El Mochito Mine

El Mochito is an underground zinc/silver mine located in the Santa Barbara Mountains in north-central Honduras. Tierra Group’s Team has been providing Tailings Stewardship Services at El Mochito continuously for the past 26 years. Since 1989, Tierra Group engineers have provided…


Topia Mine

Topia Mine Phases 1-3Tierra Group supervised the first 3 phases of Geologic Mapping and Instrumentation Installation and developed a Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall Design at Great Panther Silver’s Topia Mine in Durango, Mexico.


Newcrest Red Chris Tailings Stewardship

Tierra Group provided Tailings Stewardship Services for TSFs and water dams at the Cadia, Terfer, and Red Chris properties. Responsibilities included data/report review; identifying and assisting the client with managing risks, liabilities, controls, and reporting; evaluating progress towards GISTM compliance;…


San Albino Dry Stack Tailings Storage Facility Design

Tierra Group supported construction of the San Albino Mine in Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua. Tierra Group designed a dry stack drum filtered-tailings storage facility. A siting study optimized the dry stack location and minimized CAPEX and OPEX. Tierra Group developed a site-wide water…


San Andrés Mine

Previous to Tierra Group, our Team performed a geotechnical forensics assessment, which determined that spent ore from an on-off leach pad operation had liquefied causing a debris flow, which threatened inundating a major river basin. A preventative detention buttress was…


Newcrest Telfer Tailings Stewardship

Tierra Group provided Tailings Stewardship Services for TSFs and water dams at the Cadia, Terfer, and Red Chris properties. Responsibilities included data/report review; identifying and assisting the client with managing risks, liabilities, controls, and reporting; evaluating progress towards GISTM compliance;…


Newcrest Cadia Tailings Stewardship

Tierra Group provided Tailings Stewardship Services for TSFs and water dams at the Cadia, Terfer, and Red Chris properties. Responsibilities included data/report review; identifying and assisting the client with managing risks, liabilities, controls, and reporting; evaluating progress towards GISTM compliance;…