Aranzazú Mine

Project Highlights:

  • Geotechnical Field Investigation
  • Detailed Dam Design
  • Construction Document Preparation

The Aranzazú Mine is a copper-gold-silver mine located in the northeastern region of Zacatecas, Mexico. The mine includes both open pit and underground operations. The mill currently processes 2,600 tonnes of ore per day. Tierra Group finalized the geotechnical investigation and detailed design of a new tailings disposal facility (TDF). The geotechnical investigation included test pits, boreholes, and geophysical survey methods to characterize subsurface geology and support final engineering design. Engineering design included site hydrology and hydraulics evaluation; developing a facility water/mass balance; geotechnical dam design (seismicity, stability, deformation, liquefaction, and consolidation); and civil design (dam design and impoundment grading design). Tierra Group also completed geotechnical investigations and engineering design for a 30-m high starter dam, to be followed up with engineering design for an additional 30-m high upstream cyclone tailings dam raise.

Project Highlights:

  • Geotechnical Field Investigation
  • Detailed Dam Design
  • Construction Document Preparation

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