Esmeralda Mill

Project Highlights:

  • Tailings Dams
  • Geotechnical
  • Water Management
  • Permitting Support
  • Planning
  • Closure/Reclamation
  • Waste Rock Dumps
  • Construction Support

Tierra Group was contracted by Waterton Global Mining Company to prepare the FPCP for TSF No.1 at the Esmeralda Mine. TSF No.1 covered approximately 100 acres, included a rockfill embankment with a maximum height approximately 60 feet, and stored gold tailings. Work included summarizing tailings characterization data, completing the civil design for tailings regrading and closure soil cover placement, estimation of long-term soil loss using RUSLE, design and evaluation of a closure cover, design of a closure spillway capable of safely conveying the peak flow due to the 100-year 24-hour storm event, development of a surface water management plan, development of post-closure water management and monitoring plans, and writing the FPCP for submittal to Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP).

Project Highlights:

  • Tailings Dams
  • Geotechnical
  • Water Management
  • Permitting Support
  • Planning
  • Closure/Reclamation
  • Waste Rock Dumps
  • Construction Support

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