La India Mine

Project Highlights:

  • Civil Design
  • Heap Leach Design
  • Water Balance
  • Geotechnical Investigation
  • Construction Quality Assurance
  • Heap Leach Facility

GoldSim Training

Tierra Group provided GoldSim training to the Agnico Team and updated the heap leach water balance.

Phase 2 & 3 Heap Leach Pad Design and Construction Quality Assurance

Tierra Group provided engineering design services for the Phase 2 and 3 HLF and associated ponds and water management structures. Tierra Group provided CQA during initial construction and expansion and evaluated current soil cover to prevent acid rock generation. Tierra Group also provided construction observation, sampling and field testing, and GCL and geomembrane installation. A geo-electrical study was implemented to detect leaks in the geomembrane after drain gravel (over-liner) placement. In addition, Tierra Group conducted a geotechnical investigation during Phase 3 consisting of borehole drilling, test pits, and a geophysical survey.

Hydrology & Water Balance Update

Tierra Group provided a GoldSim water balance update for the La India Heap Leach Pad.

TSF Feasibility Design

Tierra Group provided a feasibility-level Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) design for Condor Gold’s La India Project permitting, a planned 2,000 tpd open pit mine in western Nicaragua. TSF embankments used rockfill from the open pit and a geomembrane liner for tailings and supernatant containment. Geotechnical investigation and analyses and water management in a tropical environment presented the greatest project challenges.

HLF Stability Update

Most recently, Tierra Group provided two staking plan options to meet the minimum factors of safety and updated the stability analysis.

Project Highlights:

  • Civil Design
  • Heap Leach Design
  • Water Balance
  • Geotechnical Investigation
  • Construction Quality Assurance
  • Heap Leach Facility

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