Buriticá Tailings Stewardship & Cyanide Speciation

Project Highlights:

  • Tailings Stewardship Services
  • Dam Safety Review
  • Third-Party Review

Tierra Group provided Tailings Stewardship Services for Continental Gold’s Buriticá Project in Antioquia, Columbia which included permitting support, Third-Party Review and construction and operations support. Tierra Group oversaw the development of a 2D hydrodynamic model to support the design of water management structures associated to the Buriticá Project.

Tierra Group also developed Dry Stack Tailings Facility Management Guidelines and calculated various stages of cyanide speciation data through cyanide destruction and Merrill-Crowe circuits.

Project Highlights:

  • Tailings Stewardship Services
  • Dam Safety Review
  • Third-Party Review

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