Tierra Group prepared a civil engineering design for SSR Mining’s Mina Pirquitas in Jujuy Province, Argentina and developed current and future water-mass balance through hydrological/hydraulics calculations and modeling. Tierra Group developed the ultimate tailings surface, deposition plan, spillway relocation analysis, and emergency spillway resizing, all of which was presented in a cost-benefit decision matrix for Management’s end-of-life tailings operations planning.
Glencore’s Antapaccay mine is located in the Espinar province, Cuzco, Perú. Tierra Group logged geotechnical, geological and geo-mechanical properties of drill core advanced in Antapaccay's Northern Pit. Approximately 6,000 meters of core were logged. Specific samples were selected for geotechnical…
Tierra Group performed a Dam Safety Review (DSR) including geotechnical investigations and seepage and slope stability analyses for a 20-m high TSF at this 300‑tpd underground polymetallic mine. The audit was prepared following the Mt. Polley tailings dam failure in…
American Gypsum Pit Planning and Support Tierra Group began working at American Gypsum’s Eagle-Gypsum mine located in Gypsum, Colorado in 2014 evaluating haul road improvements. A trade-off study provided a tool for American Gypsum to evaluate safety improvements including alternative haul road…
Tierra Group conducted geo-electrical testing to locate leaks present in the geomembrane liners underlying a Solution Conveyance Canal, Sumps 1 and 2, and the Intermediate Pond at Timmins Gold Corp’s San Francisco Mine in Sonora, Mexico. Leak detection testing procedures…
Tierra Group performed a tailings storage facility safety (TSF) audit for the 90 m high upstream constructed tailings dam at La Negra Mine in Querétaro, Mexico. The project included a TSF dam inspection and Dam Safety Inspection Report (DSIR) containing operational…
Tierra Group provided Tailings Stewardship Services for TSFs and water dams at the Cadia, Terfer, and Red Chris properties. Responsibilities included data/report review; identifying and assisting the client with managing risks, liabilities, controls, and reporting; evaluating progress towards GISTM compliance;…
Tierra Group performed a site visit and visual inspection of a dam to assess its overall condition and provide the Owner recommendations for continued maintenance, monitoring, and improvements. The assessment was a follow-up to previous work completed by Tierra Group…
Tierra Group participated as a member of a multi-disciplinary project team to develop a Definitive Feasibility study for a 16,000 tpd silver mine in Durango, Mexico. Tierra Group's responsibilities included designing a 112 Mt tailings storage facility, developing a site-wide…
El Mochito is an underground zinc/silver mine located in the Santa Barbara Mountains in north-central Honduras. Tierra Group’s Team has been providing Tailings Stewardship Services at El Mochito continuously for the past 26 years. Since 1989, Tierra Group engineers have provided…
Serving on Newmont Goldcorp’s Tailings Independent Review Board, Tierra Group provided an Independent Dam Safety Review for the Dona Lake Mine tailings storage facility in Pickle Lake, Ontario, Canada.
Tierra Group supported proposed Rapid Infiltration Basins Geotechnical Investigation at Au-reka Gold Corporation’s Cove Project in Nevada. Investigation included borehole drilling, test pits, infiltration testing and permeability testing.
Tierra Group performed a Dam Safety Review (DSR) for Nyrstar’s tailings storage facility (TSF) located in Campo Morado (Guerrero, Mexico). Tierra Group served as the Tailings Reviewer to ensure conformity with local regulations, the Nyrstar Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) Standard,…