Goldstrike Mine

Project Highlights:

  • Engineer of Record
  • Permanent Closure Plans
  • Dam Engineering and Design
  • Hydrology/Hydraulics Design
  • Dam Monitoring
  • Decommissioning
  • Resident Engineering and Design Support during Construction
  • Annual Inspections
  • Strategic Future Tailings Storage Planning

Engineer of Record

Barrick’s Goldstrike Mine processes 30,000 tons of gold ore per day from its combined open-pit/underground operations located in the historic Carlin Trend in Nevada, U.S.A. Goldstrike’s tailings are stored in the North Block Tailings Disposal Facility (NBTDF). NBTDF was commissioned in 1994 and is among the largest rockfill tailings dams in the world. It is also one of the largest geomembrane-lined tailings storage facilities in the mining industry. Tierra Group Team members began working at Goldstrike in 2003. In January 2012, Barrick hired Tierra Group as Engineer of Record for 12 jurisdictional dams, including NBTDF. In addition, Tierra Group provides engineering consultancy, design, and construction- engineering services for four tailings storage facilities.

Project Highlights:

  • Engineer of Record
  • Permanent Closure Plans
  • Dam Engineering and Design
  • Hydrology/Hydraulics Design
  • Dam Monitoring
  • Decommissioning
  • Resident Engineering and Design Support during Construction
  • Annual Inspections
  • Strategic Future Tailings Storage Planning

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