Tailings Review & Assurance Audit | Montana

Project Highlights:

  • Independent Engineering Review
  • Tailings Storage Facilities
  • Tailings Assurance Audit

Tailings Management Assurance Review

Tierra Group served as the Lead Auditor and conducted MARs for the TSFs at this confidential project. Tierra Group reviewed all available facility documentation, including OMS Manuals, EAPs, design reports, As-Built Reports, annual inspection reports, and other relevant documentation in determining each site’s compliance with the Company’s Tailings and Heap Leach Management Standard.

Independent Engineer's Review

Tierra Group personnel served as the Audit Lead to review tailings management procedures and compared them to standards outlined in the Company’s Corporate Tailings and Heap Leach Management Standard.

Tailings Assurance Audit

Tierra Group completed a Tailings Assurance Audit (TAA) for Tailings Storage Facility 2 (TSF2). The TAA was completed to ensure the TSF and site operations complied with the Company’s Tailings Management Standard, which closely mirrors Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM) requirements. 

Project Highlights:

  • Independent Engineering Review
  • Tailings Storage Facilities
  • Tailings Assurance Audit

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