Fire Creek Mine

Project Highlights:

  • Civil Design
  • Landfill Design
  • Hydrological/Hydraulics Analysis
  • Geotechnical Stability Analysis
  • Feasibility Study
  • Engineering Design Changes
  • Water Management
  • Waste Rock Storage Facility
  • Seepage Model
  • Closure Plan
  • Hydraulic Design
  • Slope Stability

The Fire Creek Mine, located in north-central Nevada, is owned and operated by Klondex Gold & Silver Mining Company.  The mine is an underground mine that is operating a bulk sampling program and has recently submitted its Preliminary Feasibility Study. As part of the Preliminary Feasibility Study Tierra Group conducted a siting analysis for a new waste rock storage facility which is planned to support the mine’s future production increase. Tierra Group then prepared the design of the waste rock storage facility which was included in the Preliminary Feasibility Study submittal. In addition to supporting the Preliminary Feasibility Study Tierra Group has been able to aid Klondex by preparing and submitting several Engineering Design Changes to increase the operating life of the mine’s existing waste rock storage facility.

Final Plan for Permanent Closure

Tierra Group evaluated and prepared the Fire Creek site-wide Final Plan for Permanent Closure (FPPC)closure design to meet Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) requirements. Design components included civil grading of the waste rock closure surface, stability analysis of closure slopes, and hydraulic design of channels and spillways. Tierra Group prepared a final design report for submission to regulatory agencies for approval. Closure activities and design were completed in a phased approach.

Project Highlights:

  • Civil Design
  • Landfill Design
  • Hydrological/Hydraulics Analysis
  • Geotechnical Stability Analysis
  • Feasibility Study
  • Engineering Design Changes
  • Water Management
  • Waste Rock Storage Facility
  • Seepage Model
  • Closure Plan
  • Hydraulic Design
  • Slope Stability

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