Los Filos Mine

Project Highlights:

  • Tailings Stewardship Services

Tierra Group was selected to assist Goldcorp with global Tailings Stewardship Strategy (TSS) implementation at all of Goldcorp’s active tailings sites in Latin America (Mexico, Argentina, and Guatemala). Tierra Group worked in conjunction with Goldcorp and another global engineering consulting company (selected to implement the program in Canada) to develop a coordinated implementation and execution strategy for the TSS. Tierra Group personnel conducted multiple site visits to each site to perform dam safety inspections, interview operations staff, provide training for site operations personnel, and review each operation for conformance with BMPs for facility design, construction, operation, and closure. Work included conducting formal risk assessments with input from all of the various operations teams at each mine plus each facility’s EoR and corporate representatives to ensure all risks were identified and quantified into an overall site-wide risk register. Recommendations for mitigating risks at each site were provided in reports developed for each site.

Project Highlights:

  • Tailings Stewardship Services

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